remembrance garden

Northeast Delta Dental the latest to support Remembrance Garden at the Wright Museum

One important objective for the Wright Museum is to provide a place for people to reflect on and remember the sacrifices and contributions made by those who “defended freedom” in World War II.

The museum’s recently planted Remembrance Garden serves just such a purpose, and Northeast Delta Dental is the latest corporate sponsor to step in and support the public space.

“Northeast Delta Dental has a long history of supporting various programs and initiatives at the Wright, and we are pleased they have renewed this partnership with our Remembrance Garden,” said Mike Culver, Wright Museum executive director.

Previous to Northeast Dental Dental’s contribution of $500, Meredith Village Savings Bank (MVSB) made a financial invetsment to enable the museum to plant a variety of plants and flowers to beautify the space. Commemorating those who served in the military, memorial bricks serve as backdrop for the garden.

“Meredith Village Savings Bank helped put a spotlight on this project, and it is moving others to offer their support,” added Culver. “We are so thankful for this support from both these community-minded institutions. We also thank former Wright Board Member and long-time supporter John Warner, who made the initial donation to start this beautiful garden.”

Designed as a public space accessible to everyone–museum visitor or otherwise–the Remembrance Garden faces Center Street in Wolfeboro. The garden currently features granite benches while the museum will soon add a state, national and MIA flag to complete the area.