Wright Museum getting ‘geared’ up to celebrate 25th anniversary

In 2019, the Wright Museum of WWII will celebrate its 25th anniversary, an occasion that will serve as backdrop to several special events, including a special exhibit created by the Smithsonian Institution.

Entitled “Righting a Wrong: The Japanese America and WWII” and sponsored by The Montrone Family with additional support by Northeast Delta Dental, the exhibit will peel back many layers of American history.

“It deals with the incarceration of Japanese Americans following the attack on Pearl Harbor,” said Mike Culver, executive director of the museum. “As a cultural institution and one that focuses on WWII, I felt it was important that The Wright tell this story. I’m thankful to the Smithsonian that we have this opportunity.”

The special exhibit will open on May 1, which is when the museum opens for the 2019 season.

As part of its year-long 25th anniversary celebration, the museum will also host a one-day event on July 23 at which two national best-selling authors, Patrick O’Donnell and Alex Kershaw, will speak about D-Day. Sponsored by Two International Group, the event is expected to attract hundreds of attendees from across the state.

At the Symposium, Culver said both authors will provide their perspective on D-Day and WWII, subjects about which they have each written extensively.

“They are both well-respected as historians, so this is a chance to experience and learn something entirely unique,” added Culver.

In total, the 2019 season at the museum will feature more than 3 dozen events and programs, including a dedication ceremony of an expanded Remembrance Garden sponsored by Meredith Village Savings Bank.

Commemorating those who served in the military, memorial bricks serve as backdrop to a garden that will be open to all. A dedication ceremony for the garden will take place in August.

“The Wright is a regionally significant institution with deep roots in the local community,” said Culver. “It is important we not only invite people from outside into Wolfeboro, but provide locals with the sense this is their museum, too…We are looking forward to a remarkable 2019 and grateful to have so many partners and supporters with us along the way..”

The region’s leading resource for educators and learners of all ages on World War II, the Wright Museum features more than 14,000 items in its collection that are representative of both the home front and battle field.