Wright Museum Welcomes Youngest Visitor

For the past 25 years, Wright Museum of WWII has welcomed many visitors from WWII vets to school children, and recently its youngest “uniformed visitor” to date, 7 month old Alice Abbott from Hawaii. 

Jon Abbott, Alice’s father, has visited the museum with his own parents for the past several years.

“My father and I love the armored vehicles,” he said. “My mother is particularly fond of the home front exhibits.” 

His most recent trip included his wife Gita and Alice.

“This trip was the first one for both my wife and daughter,” he said. “My wife, being an immigrant herself, knew little of the history of the war.  It was a wonderful experience being able to share the museum with them.”

According to Abbott, World War II holds a special place in his family. His maternal grandfather spent 4 years in Europe fighting against “the Nazi War machine.”

“This history is part of my daughter’s history, one of the legacies that needs to be taught to each new generation in order to prevent new forms of tyranny from arising,” he said.

Both parents were “thrilled” that Alice could experience WWII history at such a young age. They expressed hope that all families will teach their children of the sacrifices that were made to give them the lives they have today. 

“With the last of the Greatest Generation passing into eternity, museums like the Wright Museum serve as part of our cultural memory,” said Abbott. “This is a place where children like Alice can learn about their great grandparents and the struggles they endured in order to foster the world she is inheriting.” they said.