Troop #2271 pays a visit to The Wright

Recently, Maine-based Girl Scout Troop #2271 visited the Wright Museum of World War II in Wolfeboro, an occasion that Co-Leader Amy Capone Muccio said was thoroughly enjoyed by all the […]

Walkway completed for Remembrance Garden

With a gift from Sandown, NH resident Dan Marrone, the Wright Museum of WWII now has a walkway that leads to its Remembrance Garden, a public space with plantings, granite […]

Baseball and WWII

With the 2020 baseball season finally underway, here’s a special look at some of the baseball related items in our collection! In the 1940’s baseball was the most popular sport […]

Victory Garden Basics: Part 2

This guest article was prepared by Master Gardener Christin Kaiser. Christin is a volunteer at the Wright Museum, lending her expertise to our working Victory Garden and various other projects. […]

Superheroes Go To War

Cover of comic book entitled Miss Victory

World War II was a life-changing event for Americans. Everyone did whatever it took to support the war and defeat Hitler and his Italian and Japanese allies. Men and women […]

Wright Museum Hosts Corporate Sponsor Night

On Tuesday, October 29, Wright Museum held an informal gathering at which Executive Director Mike Culver and Curator Justin Gamache provided a “Director’s Tour” for program and event sponsors. “It […]