Wright Museum to Present “Epic” D-Day Documentary Film

On Tuesday, September 3 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Wright Museum will present “Surviving D-Day,” a 2012 History/Military Channel documentary film that tells the story of the twelve-hour battle […]
Family Day expected to attract hundreds of visitors

On Sunday, July 14, hundreds are expected to attend Wright Museum’s Family Day, which features rides in WWII vehicles, live music, animal shows, WWII and Civil War re-enactors and more. […]
Quint-Essential Winds to perform as part of Wright Museum’s Lecture Series

On Tuesday, June 25 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. as part of the Wright Museum’s Lecture Series, woodwind quintet Quint-Essential Winds will perform a concert that honors American composers. […]
Lecture Series promotes deeper mission at Wright Museum

For 4 years, Wright Museum in Wolfeboro has hosted an annual Lecture Series, sponsored by Ron Goodgame and Donna Canney, that Executive Director Mike Culver said satisfies a deeper educational […]
Wright Museum and Annie’s Book to Partner in June

In June, Annie’s Book Stop in Laconia will offer customers 10% off used books to anyone who shows a Wright Museum receipt, sticker, or member card through July 4th. Located at 1330 Union Ave, Laconia.
Author Dolores Beal Stephens to Present “Water for the Troops”

On Tuesday, June 11 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., author and museum volunteer Dolores (Dodie) Beal Stephens will present “Water for the Troops” as part of Wright Museum’s 2019 […]
Business Partner Program a Success for Wright Museum

In 2019, Wright Museum in Wolfeboro is working with a unique local business each month in an effort to not only promote one another, but provide added value to visitors […]
Wright at Night to feature local beer, mead and food and live music

In celebration of its 25th anniversary, Wright Museum in Wolfeboro will host Wright at Night on Tuesday, August 6, an event that will feature local beer and mead tastings, food, […]
James Benn to Present “Solemn Graves, a Billy Boyle Mystery”

On Tuesday, May 28 from 7 to 8 p.m., author James Benn will offer insight into his historical fiction writing process in “Solemn Graves, A Billy Boyle Mystery,” part of […]
Justin Gordon to Present “Postal History and the Holocaust”

On Tuesday, May 21 from 7 to 8 p.m., Justin Gordon will offer insight into the personal, unique journeys of victims of the Nazi in “Postal History and the Holocaust.” […]
Wright Museum looks back, forward after 25 years

Uniting the nation like nothing before or since, World War II continues to have an impact on American society today, a theme that underscores many programs and exhibits at the […]
Wright Museum to offer free admission to moms on Mother’s Day

The Wright Museum of World War II is offering free admission to moms on Mother’s Day, May 12 when accompanied by a paying family member. “It’s just our way of […]