Wright Museum Honors American Legion 100th Anniversary

The Wright Museum of World War II will honor the 100th anniversary of American Legions by offering free admission to any card-carrying member on May 1, which is opening day for its 2019 season.

Developed in 1919, the American Legion is an organization focused on serving veterans and service-members.

“What better way to honor the organization that has long honored veterans than with free access to a museum that tells their stories every day?” said museum Executive Director Mike Culver. “Free admission is just a small token of our gratitude to these service members.”

For the past 25 years, Wright has served as the region’s leading resource for educators and learners of all ages on World War II. With nearly 20,000 visitors a year, Culver said the Wright has been a place respected by many persons, especially those who have served.

“We think this is a great way to celebrate the 100th anniversary,” he said. “We hope this promotion will bring in a lot of new faces and be a great kickoff to the 2019 season. We hope many of the new visitors will return every year to see what we are offering.”

Commander of Alton American Legion and Wright volunteer, Marty Chabot said he thinks the promotion is “a great idea.”

“It is a great way to say ‘thank you’ to veterans, and it is a good way to promote the museum as well,” he added. 
Taking place on May 1, the promotion will allow free museum access to anyone with a valid American Legion ID.

The Wright Museum features more than 14,000 items in its collection that are representative of both the homefront and battlefield.